READER REPORT: Halloween heartbreak

From Amanda:

It was suggested to me that I email you regarding a moment that happened tonight as we were trick or treating.

My son was going up to a house and these two young Muslim girls, maybe 14-16, went up at the same time.

They were so excited, but as they got up there the man at the door yelled at and shamed them for being too old and not wearing costumes.

It broke my heart, they left nearly running away, upset. I don’t understand the hostility, because I grew up doing this until about 17. Also, these kids are not allowed to dress up, from what I was told. I feel like it was completely uncalled for, and hateful.

I want to try to reach out to the community and see if we can somehow get these girls candy. I feel like a lot of the Somali Muslim population in High Point may be new to this country and maybe these girls hadn’t gotten to experience Halloween before, and this man totally ruined their experience.

People need to meet others with love and empathy, and it has bothered me all night that this took place.

126 Replies to "READER REPORT: Halloween heartbreak"

  • T October 31, 2017 (11:44 pm)

    What is with people these days?! Sorry this happened. Sadly, I’ve witnessed some uncharacteristically hostile behavior by peoole in WS this year. I’m just as disturbed by it as Amanda.

  • dsa November 1, 2017 (12:01 am)

    He should have kept his lights off if he wasn’t accepting all comers.  But that’s his call if he wants to be a nasty person.

  • A November 1, 2017 (12:31 am)

    Not disturbed by this at all and let’s please not bring race or religion into it. At a certain age you need to realize that it’s not ok to trick or treat anymore especially when you aren’t wearing a costume. Halloween candy is meant for young children who wear costumes not high school kids who feel entitled to walk up to your house in no costume and expect a hand out. If it’s part of your custom/religion to not wear costumes that is totally fine but then you shouldn’t expect that everyone is going to welcome you when you aren’t participating in the tradition of wearing a costume. I learned when I was a teen and was turned away that trick or treat days were over for me. Hopefully these girls learned that lesson. I love Seattle but we are becoming way too sensitive

    • JanS November 1, 2017 (12:38 pm)

      gee, you just brought race or religion into it.

      • A November 1, 2017 (6:40 pm)

        Jan you are right I apologize I did bring religion into it. I said if it was part of your custom/ religion to not wear costumes that’s totally fine. Guess I’m a jerk for saying that

    • c November 1, 2017 (12:49 pm)

      Whatever you say, grandpa.

      • A November 1, 2017 (6:22 pm)

        I’m 36 years old so not a grandpa nor grumpy but way to jump to conclusions and judge me based on my comment

    • CMT November 1, 2017 (1:15 pm)

      Wow – What about maybe taking the time to actually look a kid in the eyes and see their genuine excitement and check out what they are wearing and maybe think that this is something they haven’t experienced or participated in before and have some compassion.

    • psps November 1, 2017 (2:28 pm)

      LOL.  You forgot to begin your post with the usual “I’m not a racist BUT…”

      • A November 1, 2017 (6:17 pm)

        You forgot to begin your comment with “I’m not overly sensitive but”

    • Pookins November 1, 2017 (3:28 pm)

      I agree with this.  Not racist. Teens with no costume don’t get candy. Sorry not sorry. I

      • A November 1, 2017 (6:21 pm)

         thank you pookins. Glad there are other rational thinking people out there

      • Putkins November 1, 2017 (8:25 pm)

        bah humbug pookins 🎃

  • alkistu November 1, 2017 (1:11 am)

    Posted on Hate Free Delridge page. Where can the candy be delivered?

  • RayWest November 1, 2017 (4:26 am)

    It’s unfortunate for these two particular individuals, but I assume they were treated cordially at other homes. I have mixed feelings about the whole Trick or Treat custom. In my opinion, it should be for small children, not those in their mid-teens and up. I’ve always loved handing out candy to small neighborhood children who are adorable in their costumes, but it’s gotten to be more and more older teens driving around to different neighborhoods, jumping out of the car, and hitting houses for candy, then racing off to other areas. These days, after the wave of small children in the early evening, I turn off the lights to avoid the older ones, many of whom are loud and sometimes rude.

    • Ferrygirl November 1, 2017 (7:05 am)

      I know it can seem like that what they are doing but tweens and teens who sometimes are very tall. And look older… are still kids and they need to still enjoy childhood traditions as long as possible. As long as they aren’t destructive I’d prefer to let them have their fun than being holed up with their iPhones. We need to remember as s society that for kids now 12-18 is pretty tricky. It’s just one night of fun … just my opinion 

      • Sharkgrrrl November 1, 2017 (10:40 am)


      • newnative November 1, 2017 (10:53 am)

        Yes, I know a (now grown man) child of 8 who was turned away for “being too old” because he was tall. 

        People’s ideas of what is “normal” and “adorable” seem to be very narrow in some people’s perspectives. 

        • sam-c November 1, 2017 (1:30 pm)

          ha, yeah. My 9 year old is as tall as some adults I know

      • JanS November 1, 2017 (12:40 pm)

        so agree.

      • lvbebe November 1, 2017 (10:24 pm)

        THIS!! I would much rather teenagers get dressed up and go door to door for some good old-fashioned fun rather than all of the other negative, poor behaviors they could get into. It is ONE night.  Let kids be kids, they grow up way too fast now.

    • c November 1, 2017 (12:54 pm)

      Come on. There are worse things teens could be doing than having a bit of harmless fun one night a year.

    • Katie November 1, 2017 (10:05 pm)

      Yeah. Kids should make themselves invisible once they’re not “cute” anymore!  Or maybe we should just enjoy older kids too, having some innocent fun on a holiday. I mean, are tiny candybars that rare and precious they have to be carefully distributed only to the adorable?

  • AlkiG November 1, 2017 (5:52 am)

    Thank you for sharing. We are living in sad times, where people think it’s ok to be hateful. Thank you for speaking up. If you can think of a way to support them or the community, please share. There are still a lot of people in our world who care about humanity.

  • Flp November 1, 2017 (6:22 am)

    I wish they had come by my home, lots of candy left over and would  have loved to give to them

  • Gina November 1, 2017 (6:48 am)

    Oscar the Grouch lives. 

  • Lauren November 1, 2017 (7:20 am)

    Thank you for taking the time to share this message of caring and compassion for those girls who were treated so unkindly. I have taken part in some the Hate-Free Delridge events, and they are a good group to respond to this kind of thing in solidarity.

  • steve November 1, 2017 (7:36 am)

    You’re supposed to wear a costume. Something. Anything. That’s the deal.

    I would have probably commented to the teens(probably in a fake, grouchy voice), but I’d still give them candy.

    • West Seattle Resident November 1, 2017 (9:02 am)

      I agree.  You got to wear some sort of costume.  If you are black, white, brown, red, green, Christian, Hindu, whatever I would make a grouchy comment to them but untimely still give them candy.  

      • KM November 1, 2017 (11:30 am)

        In case any newcomers are reading this, yes, people from Seattle are indeed passive-aggressive.

      • scofflaw November 1, 2017 (12:58 pm)

        Wow, so weird–somehow I lived to middle age without anyone ever sharing the Official Halloween Rule Book with me. Somehow I’ve given candy to teens and little kids with or without costumes, probably just out of ignorance and flouting the Halloween Code and lawbook, and participated when I was a kid and young teen–astonishingly, no one arrested my parents. I was nearly six feet tall in fifth freaking grade, and all those people who gave me candy without assuming I was too old, or not wearing something that met Official Guidelines for costumes, were clearly violating the law and not being racist or hating non-christian religious traditions properly.

        Shame on us, all this criminal conduct all these years. 

    • JanS November 1, 2017 (12:42 pm)

      Dear Steve…perhaps their religion  does not allow the costume. They are still children, and shouldn’t be not allowed because of that. 

      • Pookins November 1, 2017 (3:34 pm)

        That’s part of the holiday. I respect that they can’t dress up. I admire that they have traditions and rules that they maintain in their culture. But that means they can’t trick or treat.  

        • Wes C. Addle November 1, 2017 (4:08 pm)

          Nowhere in the Halloween handbook does it say that.  I’m starting to the think the Russian Bots have infiltrated the blog lol.

        • HappyOnAlki November 1, 2017 (7:30 pm)

          WHAT??? that means they can’t trick or treat”? What are you talking about?

        • AJP November 1, 2017 (7:34 pm)

          Nope. Trick or treaters get treats. We’re talking about CANDY here. Candy. Cheap candy, once a year, for two seconds at your door. 

        • JanS November 2, 2017 (7:42 pm)

          whoa…at least we now know who the decider is…..welcome, oh, great one.

  • artsea November 1, 2017 (8:12 am)

    We had the most kids ever at our house last night.  No problems, and some of the kids were getting to the age where it might be their last time for going trick or treating.  I remember feeling a bit sad when I realized it was time for me to give it up.  As long as they’re having fun and aren’t causing problems, I’m okay with it.   We’re only kids for a short while, and adults for a very long time.

    • T November 1, 2017 (12:34 pm)

      Well said.  We even had a few parents not dessed up take a piece of candy. Not a big deal.

  • Rusty November 1, 2017 (8:19 am)

    Oscar the Grouch indeed – yelling at kids? My 8-year-old decided to ‘go as herself’ this year instead of dressing up, and I would have been a bit upset had someone yelled at her! Luckily, we had a great night, saw some great costumes, displays and friendly neighbors. We don’t eat a ton of candy, and would be happy to share with the girls if you can post any way to get it to them.

  • Denise November 1, 2017 (8:19 am)

    Never be hateful. I am having a hard time with the 16-18 age group.  That does not seem right to me. Sorry to say

  • Jeff November 1, 2017 (8:23 am)

    This is ridiculous.

    The holiday is about dressing up in costumes. If you don’t dress up in a costume, you don’t get candy.

    You can’t dress up in a costume or show any sign of effort? You can’t go trick or treating.

    Ripping up a sheet or making a mask from some paper is something that a 17 year old should be able to figure out on their own.

    This is not a hate crime.

    • JanS November 1, 2017 (12:51 pm)

      wow, aren’t you just a ray of sunshine !   

    • Jort November 1, 2017 (1:32 pm)

      You sound fun.

    • P November 1, 2017 (3:55 pm)

      Note to self – Don’t go to Jeff’s house. 

    • Wes C. Addle November 1, 2017 (4:10 pm)

      Christmas is about celebrating the Birth of Jesus.  I say we banish all presents too! Oh wait, I’m agnostic, I’ve been celebrating this whole time!  Shame on me :(

  • smittytheclown November 1, 2017 (9:02 am)

    Totally uncalled for – BUT – to expect everyone to know every religions customs is absurd.  Big kids showing up with just a pillow case and no costume is just plain wrong – regardless of skin color, heritage or religion.  Don’t participate if it’s frowned upon.

  • David Clarke November 1, 2017 (9:09 am)

    While it’s NEVER appropriate to be rude, especially to children, it seems to me that wearing a costume is an integral part of the holiday…..

  • justme November 1, 2017 (9:18 am)

    Keep in mind though, they were older and not wearing costumes. Period. Let’s not be too quick to shame a man for exercising the right to refuse candy to older kids not in costume, regardless of what they’re wearing. We are always so quick to place racism blame. I for one have turned many older kids away, and not in costume, for the reason of wanting to save the candy for those participating in costume and those younger. It’s my doorstep, it’s my right.

    • HappyOnAlki November 1, 2017 (9:38 am)

      Nobody’s “shaming” him for refusing candy —  it’s because the man at the door yelled at and shamed them.  No reason to behave like that.

  • E November 1, 2017 (9:19 am)

    If your culture or religion does not permit you to participate in the holiday by dressing up then why are you going around asking for candy?  Just to get free stuff?  The choice is yours.  We had out candy to kids of all ages but if you are truly participate then no, I am not going to give you anything for just knocking on my door.  I am not gonna be mean about it but you’re not getting anything either.

  • birdrescuer November 1, 2017 (9:20 am)

    MANY religions don’t permit costumes.  So what.  This is a time to be caring and gracious.   It is about fun, not age or dress.

    • NSAlki November 1, 2017 (10:18 am)

      Agreed. It’s the season to give and be less grouchy. 

      I had to leave the house for a little while and left a large candy basket outside hoping that kids would do the right thing and not take it all. Came back 15 min later to find that someone had taken it all. Luckily had a lot more to hand out. Some kid failed the “be a good person” test, hope he/she grows up to be decent.

    • Jim November 1, 2017 (10:22 am)

      Halloween is not about being caring and gracious.  The modern version of Halloween is about dressing up in costume, telling scary stories, watching scary movies, carving pumpkins, etc.  I’m not saying people should be rude and yell but at least wear a costume if you are going to ask for candy.  

      • Jack O Lantern November 1, 2017 (7:07 pm)

        So,,, if a family cannot afford costumes,, the kids shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy a night out with friends for “free” candy?? I could care less who shows up, unless they are old enough to bring me a beer. It’s friggin candy people. It’s not passive aggressive to shame an idiot. I just did. I’ll bring over a couple bags of candy to him so he feels better. 😢😢🎃🎃🎃

    • sam-c November 1, 2017 (10:39 am)

      ^^^ agree.

      why is ‘no costume: no candy’ a hill to die on?

      I bought candy with the intention of handing it out.    Older kids came to my door dressed in not much more than Seahawks jerseys (early too, not late at night), I gave each of them a few pieces of candy… 

      If older kids want to trick or treat, I don’t get what the big deal is ?!?! They are not out causing trouble.  Kids grow up too fast, let them have fun if they want to.  The only time I would refuse candy is if the trick or treater was being rude. Luckily, that’s a very rare occurrence.  Why do the adults feel the need to be rude?

      • sam-c November 1, 2017 (11:24 am)

        (my ‘agree’ comment was in reference to birdrescuer- the other comments weren’t there when I started typing that out)

  • SG November 1, 2017 (10:13 am)

    I love how we always have to find a reason, a blame, an angle! Not everyone is racist, sexist, and what-ever other categories there are now. I actually find it more racist that someone thinks that because he acted a certain way that it MUST be because of their religion or race. You assuming things is way more damaging and hurtful. It is truly another example of ignorance. 

    • JanS November 1, 2017 (12:57 pm)

      wow, gee, thanks. So he’s just an ugly American?

  • Mr E November 1, 2017 (10:26 am)

    Just when you think West Seattle residents can’t sink to a new low, here are comments debating whether or not to give candy to children and teenagers on Halloween. You have been dethroned, Ms. “I don’t care if it sounds elitist.”

    I would offer up unsolicited advice to many of the folks in this thread, that they need to get off the Internet and take up some much-needed introspection, but clearly they have it all figured out. I imagine they are able to power their homes using only their smug sense of self-worth.

  • anonyme November 1, 2017 (10:31 am)

    If your religion prohibits participation in a pagan holiday, then don’t participate.  And 16 is too old for trick or treating.  This man may or may not have handled the situation very well, but his comment hardly rises to the level of hate that is being portrayed. 

    • West Seattle since 1979 November 1, 2017 (3:48 pm)

      Maybe their religion frowns on dressing up, but has no problem with other aspects of the holiday.   

  • La November 1, 2017 (11:04 am)

    Thank you to all who gave candy to kids, regardless of their costume or age. 

    Halloween should be about having fun, celebrating kids, and being generous. 

    Seriously, how mean-spirited and cheap can some people be?!

  • Brian November 1, 2017 (11:19 am)

    I can’t believe the people who are insinuating that because the girls weren’t in costume that it justifies a grouchy response. That is NOT a warm and welcoming tone you’re projecting to young immigrants. They were merely trying to adapt themselves to and be included in an American custom, yet were rejected because they could not conform to your idea of trick-or-treating. They were still just children.

    Anyone being grouchy and/or shaming children for abiding by their religious or cultural customs is committing an act of prejudice. Anyone claiming cultural ignorance as an excuse for that behavior is still guilty of prejudice. Period.

    • Free stuff November 1, 2017 (12:38 pm)

      Or they were just out for free stuff

      • JanS November 1, 2017 (1:00 pm)

        cynical much? Out for free stuff because of how they were dressed? Their obvious religion? I refer you to the comment by Brian.

      • Eliza Webb November 1, 2017 (2:29 pm)

        Every person going door to door last night was out for free stuff. 

        That is literally the definition of trick or treating. How did you miss that concept?

        • Jim November 1, 2017 (3:17 pm)

          Concept?  There are 2 parts to the concept.  Step 1 dress up in costume (spike your hair, paint your face, anything), step 2 get free candy.  Seems step 1 was missed.  

  • Brewmeister November 1, 2017 (11:19 am)

    I feel bad for the kids in question and agree the old guy probably could have handled this better but, is this really a news story?    Calling this “hate”?   I mean come on.    It’s old guy who is grumpy and yelling at kids.  Maybe he has some emotional or mental issues?   Uh oh,  does that change anything?  

    I’m so sick of our “Outrage Culture” toward just about anything these days.  We are so quick to throw the word “hate” around.  Has our skin really become that tissue thin?   Sometimes old grumpy guys that yell at kids are just old grumpy guys that yell at those rascally kids.   I’m sure those same kids will probably just egg his house later anyway.  :)

    • JanS November 1, 2017 (1:01 pm)

      the story is not supposed to be “news”. It’s about someone who saw an injustice and wrote in. Goodness.

      • Brewmeister November 1, 2017 (4:53 pm)

        Someone wrote in and it was then turned into a “News Story”.   This is a “News Blog”,  thus “News”


  • Jane Taylor November 1, 2017 (11:45 am)

     From a Facebook post that I saw.

    Reminder: not all children can afford a costume.
    when a teenager comes to your door, please give them the candy without saying “aren’t you too old to be doing this?”. Let them be kids as long as they can be.
    Also, please don’t refuse a child candy because they aren’t dressed up. Some children are autistic or have sensory issues that make dressing up highly uncomfortable if not unbearable.
    One last thing, size doesn’t always determine mental age or special needs. You may see a teenager, but they may still relate as a younger child.
    Be kind!


    • Terri November 1, 2017 (12:48 pm)

      Thank you, I was going to look for this to share.

    • Brewmeister November 1, 2017 (5:04 pm)

      “size doesn’t always determine mental age or special needs.” 

      It goes both ways.   Is it possible this man has some sort of special needs, is autistic, has sensory issues or his “mental age” is not up to his actual age? Hmmm?

      Lot’s of one way assumptions and just general assumptions  being made here in this thread.  I’m not saying this man was anything other than a grumpy old fart but come on, don’t make this “story”  into something it’s not. 

      Again, I feel for these girls but if this is what we are now getting OUTRAGED over and we feel this need to have this be a news story,  I fear all hope for humanity is lost.  

      • Jack O Lantern November 1, 2017 (7:12 pm)

        Then let him speak up!!  Any word from him??  

  • slc November 1, 2017 (11:49 am)

    Have to agree with many commenters here.  You “assume” they girls were targeted because they are Muslim, but you don’t really know.  Implicit bias.  The man has a right to refuse candy if kids aren’t in costume.  Agree, he didn’t have to be mean.  But don’t bring race into it unless you’re sure it’s racially motivated.  

    • Maria November 1, 2017 (1:08 pm)

      Yes, even the original poster stated only  “the man at the door yelled at and shamed them for being too old and not wearing costumes.”   She mentions they were Muslim only as an indicator as to why they might not have worn costumes. 

  • Mark November 1, 2017 (11:54 am)

    Lots of kids/teens got treats at my place until 8 pm, everyone.  Diversity is what makes life interesting.  Bigotry has no place in our society.

    Ps if you do not trick or treaters at your house keep the lights off!

  • Nolan November 1, 2017 (12:17 pm)

    This man should be ashamed. Anyone going “well, actually” should also be ashamed. There isn’t nearly as much room in here for nuance as some of y’all seem to think. Try to be kind.

  • Parent November 1, 2017 (12:24 pm)


            These threads are SO ridiculous!  Now we are “outraged” about a grumpy old dude yelling at older girls  for trick or treating without a costume? Who cares!  News Flash….there are a lot of grumpy people in this world.  There are much bigger problems we should be “outraged” over.  Give it a rest. 

  • M November 1, 2017 (12:55 pm)

    It’s CANDY. You bought it with the intent of giving it away. So give it away. 

  • Shockley November 1, 2017 (1:06 pm)

    There’s a quid pro quo involved.  

    Halloween is not “free candy night”, it’s “dress up and get free candy” night.

    And shame on OP for bringing religion into this issue when there was ZERO indication that it was an issue.

  • JanS November 1, 2017 (1:11 pm)

    In my humble opinion, bottom line is…be kind…to everyone…it’s not hard, and it it saves so much negative energy.   West Seattle people have a lot of privilege(even me).  In many ways.  Sometimes that privilege shows when we think it doesn’t.

  • SMH November 1, 2017 (1:18 pm)

    Kind of ironic, isn’t it, that Halloween — that most deliciously radical and iconoclastic of all holidays — apparently now has rules, rights, costume requirements and age limits, all overseen and enforced by the kind of people who got a kick out of telling their little sister that Santa isn’t real.

  • CMT November 1, 2017 (1:25 pm)

    I have never been so shocked and depressed by the responses to a comment thread in West Seattle.  Here you have an eyewitness description of two girls – KIDS  – excitedly and innocently going up to a home to trick or treat and someone being needlessly cruel to them and there are more than a few people JUSTIFYING the guy’s actions.  I can’t believe this is our community.  Sure, we can be outraged over bigger problems but one of our biggest problems acts just like this guy.

    • lvbebe November 1, 2017 (10:27 pm)

      This.  100% shocked at these responses. Kids. Kids were shamed  – not okay for any reason on any level. 

  • Gene November 1, 2017 (2:25 pm)

    Oh my word- this thread has now devolved into a cultural/ religious prejudice issue  – as per BRIAN. “Anyone being grouchy and/or shaming children for abiding by their religious or cultural customs is committing an act of prejudice. Anyone claiming cultural ignorance as an excuse for that behavior is still guilty of prejudice. Period.

    Really- how did it morph from a grumpy old guy yelling that kids were too old & weren’t in costume – to that.

    I am sorry these girls were yelled at-but as someone else stated- it could very well have been  a grumpy old guy – being just that. And we have no other information that changes it into a religious/ cultural prejudice issue.

  • Eliza Webb November 1, 2017 (2:27 pm)

    That is some crap behavior by that adult. No need to be rude to people/kids/teenagers – you have chosen to participate in the handing out of candy, not Project Runway. 

    Kids grow up too fast these days, so if some teenagers want to walk around the neighborhood and look people in the eye, exchange a few words and get candy for that, then by all means – hold onto that candy exchange tradition for as long as you want. 

  • wsparayers November 1, 2017 (2:55 pm)

    Does anyone know if the girls ever did get some candy?? 

  • Marci November 1, 2017 (3:24 pm)

    No need to  be mean or withhold candy but I just wonder why the girls didn’t wear a costume or why someone didn’t tell them it was part of the tradition – for their own good….. so they could fit in.


  • RayWest November 1, 2017 (3:30 pm)

    Sorry, but when the “kids” are driving themselves around to multiple neighborhoods  and it’s after 8:30 p.m.  that is getting too old to Trick or Treat anymore. I don’t have any trouble telling whether or not someone is still a kid, even if they are “tall,”  and they are usually accompanied by an adult.  Teens should be having chaperoned Halloween parties–either through their school, church, or a community event and not driving around unsupervised.

  • ScubaFrog November 1, 2017 (3:32 pm)

    Times like these (the trump era), we find out which of our neighbors have been latent racists all these years.  They fooled a lot of us.  Racism is as pervasive here, as any part of the country apparenty.  Stay mindful, stay alert, and defend yourselves, West Seattle.  These animals will do what they can to hinder diversity and a multicultural community.

    And never forget who the racists are.  As a community it’s incumbent upon us to shun them from our society.  They’re a plague.

    • Anne November 1, 2017 (4:57 pm)

      How in the world do you know this man is a racist?

      where in the original post was there any mention of racist comments made by him?

      He yelled at the kids for being too old & not wearing a costume & that translates to racism in your view?

    • Concerned November 1, 2017 (5:21 pm)

      Hyperbole to this situation

  • uncle loco November 1, 2017 (4:46 pm)

    I wonder if this guys yard got the TP treatment. That used to be the punishment for not handing out candy…

    • SMH November 1, 2017 (7:40 pm)

      Yes, we clearly need to bring back the “trick” part of the equation! Wonder what all the Halloween “rules” freaks would say about that.

  • sgs November 1, 2017 (5:16 pm)

    Amanda, since you were the  person who actually witnessed it, what are your thoughts after reading all of these comments?

  • Jim November 1, 2017 (5:34 pm)

    Once again, Scubafrog jumps on any excuse to run her usual rant. 

    Muslim is not a race.

    • ScubaFrog November 1, 2017 (9:01 pm)

      Son you may call me Sir, I’ve earned that title.

      I’m willing to bet you voted for trump.

      • A November 1, 2017 (11:23 pm)

        Scuba I voted for Hillary and I think you are as much of a problem as the people who voted for Trump. Think about your life and your reverse racism and try to change yourself and make the world a better place

      • Concerned November 2, 2017 (4:56 am)

        Scubafrog: I’m willing to bet you voted for Trump

        Concerned :and that there is the problem, extremism. I can’t stand Sawant, but I guess that would make me a Trump supporter by default to the uber left, which I certainly am not a supporter of Trump

      • Jim November 2, 2017 (9:18 am)


        Not sure why you think you earned it, but gender is not important in this discussion.

        You continue to paint with a broad brush of negativity.  One doesn’t have to be a “Trump voter” to recognize the divisiveness that is fraying our society.

  • momosmom November 1, 2017 (6:00 pm)

    And in the words of JanS…Everyone, have a wonderful day after Halloween night! 

    • JanS November 2, 2017 (7:32 pm)

      momosmom…yes…thank you. :)

    • Concerned November 2, 2017 (4:51 am)

      Thanks for the link of swearing

      • itchincamaro November 2, 2017 (4:51 pm)

        Oh sorry I forgot kids might be reading  😛

  • SlimJim November 1, 2017 (8:10 pm)

    I was moaning to people that kids don’t come to the house any more to Trick or Treat, that it seems like so many do it at the local businesses instead. Now I understand why they do. So they don’t have to get candy (or not get it) from the cranky mf’s that populate this city. Wow. Just give the candy away already.

  • Alyca November 1, 2017 (8:40 pm)

    Costume or not; young or old…….you get candy.  My only requirement is that you say ‘trick or treat’.  This is the holiday where if you want to participate from your home, you turn the lights on and make it obvious that you are participating.  If you are going to make up random rules, maybe just keep your lights off and sit this one out.

  • Patrick W November 1, 2017 (8:44 pm)

    I really cannot believe some of the comments here, if you don’t want to give out candy to all children, teens, whoever, don’t participate in Halloween.  I’m just happy if someone shows up at my door. 

    • JanS November 2, 2017 (7:30 pm)

      Patrick W. I live in an apt building that is secure. No one rings the doorbell on Hallowe’en evening, so I don’t buy candy now(unless it’s for me – lol). When I was a homeowner, we got neighborhood kids, in between taking our own child out in the neighborhood. And it wound down pretty early. And, yes, there were teenagers back then, too. Actually, come to think about it , we were all those teenagers at one point in our lives.

  • Karena November 1, 2017 (10:06 pm)

    After reading most of your comments, you all forgot it is trick or treat. So no treat then you get tricked. Also, everyone gets a treat. If you have rules for passing out the you should post them. Or better yet don’t buy any candy and keep your lights off. It’s shameful to turn away children which is anyone still in school.  And maybe we should just teach them another tradition called. Egging and 

  • A November 1, 2017 (11:41 pm)

    I’m sure I’ll get hateful replies but I’ll post this anyway. While passing out candy a few years ago, I had the usual young kids in costume and that was great and i enjoyed giving the kiddos in costume their candy. After 8:30pm or so it turned into lots of “older kids” not in costume knocking at our door. We opened the door and not only did the “kids” not in costume expect candy, they were also looking around the inside of our house scoping it. There were many burglaries in our neighborhood around that time so it was very upsetting to see this. I know I’m not the only one who has experienced this but it’s very unsettling. I know 8 year old kids in costume aren’t going to rob me. I don’t know that 16 year olds not in costume aren’t scoping my house. Sounds sad but this is the world we live in now. All you people welcoming whoever and whatever into your homes are being naive. Little kids with costumes are no threat. 16 years old and above with no costume are not welcome if I don’t know you

    • 2 Much Whine November 2, 2017 (12:00 pm)

      And then you got robbed three days later, right?  After all, they were “scoping” you out. . . . . . you can’t tell that amazingly awesome story and then leave out the incredible ending.  Or perhaps they just wanted free candy and you are paranoid?  Perhaps?  I’ll just shut up if you were, in fact, the victim of a crime that was directly tied to this Halloween incident.

      • JanS November 2, 2017 (7:23 pm)

        , 2 MW, I knew there was a reason I like you so much :)

    • Kathy November 2, 2017 (1:13 pm)

      You have every right to be fearful about opening up your home to strangers, big and small. I suggest you just close up early or don’t participate at all in lieu of sending out negative vibes to teenagers. They face enough negativity in today’s society.  By the rules of Halloween, if you reject them they would have every right to “trick” you and I don’t recommend encouraging that.

    • Concerned November 2, 2017 (9:06 pm)

      Actually that very same thing happened to me. A guy about 17-19 brought his younger sister to trick or treat and my wife opened the door to greet them. As my wife was busy with the little trick or treaters, the brother had actually stepped one foot in my house and was looking around my front room.

      When I saw what was happening, I called him on it and he of course denied it, quickly grabbed his sister and left. 

      To those that think that kind of thing is far fetched or paranoid only shows your insulation,  and naivety. Growing up in Cali Bay Area ghettos, I know that kind of thing is reality

  • Parent November 2, 2017 (12:33 pm)


         @A Maybe 8 year old kids aren’t scoping your house out, but you never know about the adults that are out with them??

    Let’s not blame everything on 16 year old kids.  I have an idea…after 8:30 turn your porch light off so those pesky 16 year old  potential robbers can’t see your “goods”! 

  • On the fence November 2, 2017 (5:30 pm)

    Lets not forget that guy had options, the kids literally give you a choice when they say “trick or treat!”
    Maybe that guy was exercising his right to give out either a trick or a treat and decided that kids not wearing costumes that are too old to beg for candy deserved a trick? 

    Democracy in action.

  • JanS November 2, 2017 (7:26 pm)

    lol…I don’t believe I ever  allowed trick or treaters to enter my home. They stayed outside on the porch, were only there for moments. And never anywhere they could actually see what lovely 20 yo furniture I had

    • West Seattle since 1979 November 6, 2017 (12:02 pm)

      Yes, that was my thought!    Unless it’s someone in an apartment, where there’s only a hallway and they can see right into the unit.  Mine is like that, though I never get trick or treaters anymore.  But even so, I never let them into my actual unit–I’d just stand at the door and they’d stand in the hallway. 

  • Mike November 2, 2017 (7:52 pm)

    Maybe they were actually CenturyLink sales people again.  I know that makes me rage.

  • AW November 3, 2017 (9:03 am)

    Well said! That old man was probably grumpy to everyone not wearing costumes! 

  • WS Girl November 6, 2017 (4:57 am)

    What bothered me about Amanda’s account was that it rather biased peoples’ opinions with her description of the events. First, how did she know the girls were Muslim?  By the way they were dressed? That would indicate someone dressing different from ordinary street clothes, so why on a dark night, amid other costumed children, would a homeowner think they were not wearing a costume? Also, the plea for us to get them some candy because they were “turned away” seems overly emotional. Is this the one and only house they went that night?  The man may have been curmudgeonly, but if he was turning away older Trick or Treaters, then other kids were also refused, not just these girls.  I just think someone witnessed an event and over-reacted to what actually happened. It’s unfortunate the man was a grump, but if people do not want to give out candy to older kids, well, that is their right to do so. We’ve all encountered grumpy neighbors at some point in our childhoods.

Sorry, comment time is over.