SITE NOTE: Comment editing returns

Since our technical overhaul last year, some have lamented the loss of the comment-editing function. As noted in responses to those laments, the software “plug-in” we were able to use in the old format is no longer supported by its developers, so we weren’t able to bring it along. But we’ve finally been able to install something similar. If you write a comment, after you send it, you should see a line appear in the window with the invitation “click to edit” and a 4-minute countdown during which you can do that. If you click that line, it should show your comment above while opening a window in which you can make changes and then save, delete, or cancel. It’s an optional function – if there’s nothing you want to fix/change, you can ignore it. Please let us know if you have any trouble ( – please include what device/browser you’re using). Thanks for your patience.

8 Replies to "SITE NOTE: Comment editing returns"

  • testy March 21, 2017 (8:49 am)

    testing 1, 2, 4…

    Wow, a countdown timer and everything!

  • Jort Sandwich March 21, 2017 (9:03 am)

    I’m going to make a comment, and then come back to edit it later with a smiley face.

    Edit: :-)

  • miws March 21, 2017 (9:15 am)

    Yay!! Thanks, WSB! 

    Now, making a mitsake, <<<<—–like this, will be able to be corrected, if I don’t catch it until after submitting the comment.  :-) 


  • Alan March 21, 2017 (9:33 am)

    Nothing sharpens the eye like hitting send! This will be very helpful. Interesting how the timer continues while editing. I’ve just made two edits and it works in Windows/Chrome.


  • dsa March 21, 2017 (9:52 am)

    So I’ll hit send and then  decide I made a mistake as usual. 

    Do you have to complete the edit before the clock runs out?

    I’m using firefox/xp

    • WSB March 21, 2017 (9:59 am)

      Yes. It’s a finite four minutes. The old version also had a time limit.

      • dsa March 21, 2017 (10:16 am)

        This one seems to work better than the old version, thanks for getting it installed.

  • James Guest March 21, 2017 (2:39 pm)


Sorry, comment time is over.