WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEKEND: ‘Werewolf’ night at Meeples

Halloweekend continues, with more big events tomorrow (Harvest Festival!) but in the meantime, tonight …


As the slogan goes, every night is Game Night at Meeples Games (WSB sponsor) at California/Charlestown. But this is not just any night … dozens of players are gathered right now for the Halloween edition of “Werewolf,” led by legendary moderator Hank (top photo).

Not familiar with this role-playing game? Here’s how it works. The game began with a costume contest. The winners:


From left, #3 is Greg from “Over the Garden Wall”; #2, the Black Canary; #1, Lucius Malfoy from “Harry Potter.”

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEKEND: 'Werewolf' night at Meeples"

  • Janna October 30, 2016 (7:12 pm)

    GREG!!! Best costume EVER!!!!

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