Around-the-world rider arrives in West Seattle on ‘Bike Everywhere Day’

(WSB photo)

On this “Bike Everywhere Day,” one rider who arrived in West Seattle tonight is truly doing just that – riding around the world. At left in our photo is Tim Bridgman, with West Seattleites Dave Nichols (center) and Gary Potter (right), photographed tonight outside Potter Construction (WSB sponsor) between Alaska and Morgan Junctions.

Bridgman is from England and is on an around-the-world ride that started four years ago, in Norway, with his wife Sharon Bridgman. They planned to raise money for ShelterBox, which provides emergency shelter and supplies to people in need around the world.

Two years and 15,939 miles into their ride, Sharon Bridgman was hit and killed on a road in southwestern Bolivia.

Tim decided that in honor of the ShelterBox cause – helping people carry on through disaster and tragedy – he would continue (here’s his story as told to a reporter in Britain). Last year, he resumed the journey in South America, where he had left his bicycle. And now, he’s on the last leg of the journey, riding through the Pacific Northwest en route to Barrow, Alaska, after more than 32,000 miles. Nichols (a ShelterBox volunteer responder) and Potter both support ShelterBox through the Rotary Club of West Seattle; the two met up with Bridgman this afternoon in Auburn for the last leg of his ride into West Seattle, where he is staying with Potter.

Bridgman is chronicling his journey online here. You can donate to ShelterBox through the special page set up for him and his wife, here. He’ll be in West Seattle until Sunday, before resuming his ride north.

2 Replies to "Around-the-world rider arrives in West Seattle on 'Bike Everywhere Day'"

  • Matt S. May 21, 2016 (8:25 am)

    Wow, what a moving story! Thanks for sharing this, WSB. 

  • Salal May 21, 2016 (10:34 am)

    Incredible!!  What a brave man!!

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