Also starting today: Tour season at Alki Point Lighthouse

(Photo by Long Bach Nguyen – click image to see larger version)
The summertime tour season at Alki Point Lighthouse (lower left in the photo above) is starting early. Debra Alderman from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary says they had to make sure they’d have enough volunteers for this weekend – they do, and so it’s on:

FREE lighthouse tours this weekend! The Alki Point Lighthouse begins its tour season this weekend! We will be open Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. First tour is at 1 p.m.; last tour enters at 3:40 p.m. We will be open most Saturdays and Sundays between now and Labor Day. Three days this summer that we will NOT be open: June 13, August 1, and August 2. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary volunteers provide tours free of charge. Location: 3201 Alki Avenue SW. Visit our website for tour information and updates:

Find out more about the lighthouse in this WSB story from its centennial year (2013).

3 Replies to "Also starting today: Tour season at Alki Point Lighthouse"

  • Ray May 23, 2015 (4:07 pm)

    Love the occasional Long Back Nguyen pics you guys post.

    For those that do not follow him on Facebook, his timeline is just incredible.

  • Debra Alderman May 23, 2015 (7:43 pm)

    Thanks to the wonderful WS blog for getting the info on the tours up online so quickly today. We had quite a few West Seattleites come by for a tour. We also had visitors from California, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Illinois, Ohio and even Switzerland! You never know who you’ll meet at the lighthouse. We look forward to seeing more of you this weekend and throughout the summer! And to all the service men and women, we at the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary salute you and thank you for your service on this Memorial Day weekend.

  • LyndaB May 23, 2015 (8:52 pm)

    How timely! I just drove by there yesterday wondering when it would open.

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