West Seattle birdwatching: Brown pelican seen off Alki

Thanks to Guy and Joy Smith for another unusual Alki Point sighting – a brown pelican. They report it “rested on the water just north of Alki Point (Wednesday) before it headed south around the point.” Though the photo is from a distance, it’s clear from the pelican’s coloring that it’s a mature brown pelican – the ones that are truly “brown” are juveniles, like this one that hung around West Seattle for a while in early 2013. They are more common the further south you go, but generally keep to the seacoast and aren’t often seen on inland waterways like ours.

5 Replies to "West Seattle birdwatching: Brown pelican seen off Alki"

  • Danny McMillin October 30, 2014 (4:38 am)

    Cool, Guy!

  • Maggie October 30, 2014 (5:46 am)

    COOL! I love going pelican watching at the north point of Fort Stevens State Park near Astoria, OR. Watching them hover, soar, then BAM! Dive straight down into the water. So much fun.

  • Trileigh October 30, 2014 (7:58 am)

    Very cool sighting! I sent the link to the Tweeters birding email list, so hopefully with lots of people looking, we can find it again. Thanks for sharing!

  • Trileigh October 30, 2014 (9:24 am)

    By the way, if anyone else sees it, please post here so we’ll know where to look! Thanks.

  • sc October 30, 2014 (11:04 am)

    by Dixon Lanier Merritt

    A wonderful bird is the pelican,
    His bill will hold more than his belican.
    He can take in his beak
    Food enough for a week.
    But I’m damned if I see how the helican.

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