Comments on: Seattle’s transportation system is ‘fragile,’ new SDOT director acknowledges in first West Seattle appearance West Seattle news, 24/7 Sat, 06 Sep 2014 19:22:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: wetone Sat, 06 Sep 2014 19:22:55 +0000 All scare tactic’s RayK, spoken like you were employed by the city. Your right the W/S bridge will be a parkway but not because of Prop 1, it’s because the City government is doing such a poor job at managing growth in this city. Very little infrastructure planning just build up and population increase. What infrastructure improvements that have and are being done do little for 90+% of the people in this city and surrounding area. It’s for the developer’s, people that are fortunate enough to commute to work by bike or bus, but nothing for people that have to use their motor vehicles for work, family, commute. What would happen from all the revenue generated from motor vehicles if they went away ? bikes don’t have any usage fees or ID producing zero income for cost the city spends to improve infrastructure only used by bikes ? would we just keep raising sales and property taxes ? Seattle Prop 1 will do little if anything for ingress/egress from W/S, unless they make a law that everyone has to work within 5 miles from their place of residents. Nothing is being done to help flow through the city (I-5) until that happens W/S will continue to get worse along with everywhere else that flows onto I-5. Move the convention center and double deck I-5 to get traffic flowing again is about the only thing that will help the I-5 corridor. Pretty simple and common sense you increase population you increase traffic, add no infrastructure improvements = grid lock for all.) How about more and longer trains that will be going through the area in the near future what is that going to do for all commuter groups of this area ? RayK where did you get your info on Kubly’s bike programs ? from his company web site or the city’s where used ? all I know is I have friends that live in two areas he has been involved with and they say quite differently :)

By: RayK Sat, 06 Sep 2014 01:34:46 +0000 @wetone, your comment above about increasing demand for parking related to various uses mentions ferries. We think most ferry traffic passes through West Seattle and raises little demand for parking. Is that a misplaced issue?

Certainly if the Seattle Prop 1 ballot measure fails, the vehicular traffic will increase geometrically and parking will be a minor issue in comparison. The high bridge will be known as the West Seattle parkway with cars parked waiting for the exits on the east / west side.

By: WSB Sat, 06 Sep 2014 01:27:21 +0000 In reply to RayK.

Ray, I’m sorry, I only had time to put in one photo. He sent at least 20. If they were all in one PDF, I would have downloaded it, and maybe he’ll see this and can send me that or upload it someplace I can link to.

P.S. Also, in the “I guess you had to be there” mode, his objection was not so much keeping its location at all costs, but the fact that the temporary stop has none of the “station” infrastructure, and won’t while it’s sitting there as a bare-bones stop for a year and a half.

By: RayK Sat, 06 Sep 2014 01:25:44 +0000 Re: Chas Redmond’s complaint about the RapidRide station at 35th/Avalon that has been dismantled because of the construction project on the west side of 35th is a superficial view of the site. The photo above shows an open walkway when the site is inactive. I’ve watched the operation from the RapidRide station across the street with large dump trucks pulling large capacity trailers with a hoe inside the site dropping dirt into the vehicles. As one filled, another was behind it and rolled into position within about 45 seconds while protecting traffic with orange cones. The operation was running at this rate during my 15 minutes viewing it. More trucks were queued around the corner in the middle lane of Avalon waiting their turns. No bus could safely stop at that station during the operation. No pedestrian canopy could reliably shield waiting transit riders from debris that might fall from the large hoes.

I’m more concerned about the temporary bus stop at the next corner of 35th and Snoqualmie St. which needs concrete or gravel to avoid mud where the bus back doors open. The front door does have a concrete pad for boarding. I use that stop to transfer between the Rt 21 and Alaska Junction buses.

By: RayK Sat, 06 Sep 2014 01:08:29 +0000 zark00, why do you characterize the Chicago Dizzy program a “dismal failure?” What ridership rate would you characterize as fantastic or meh?

Here is Chicago’s actual result:
“Since Divvy launched in June 2013, Chicagoans and visitors have taken more than 2.3 million trips on Divvy bikes, collectively riding more than five million miles. [They] also boast more than 23,000 active annual members and 220 corporate partners.”

If that’s a dismal failure, wow!

By: zark00 Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:50:25 +0000 The mention of the bike share is a huge red flag for me. Its the bike shares in DC and Chicago that Kulby headed that are dismal failures. Shows a general lack of understanding of our regions transportation needs. An anecdote about his parents using the bikes to sell the idea of dedicated bike lanes, cmon. Lets see his folks pedal up 35th hill on their daily commute home. This guys is going to cost us millions, and leave us (in a year) worse off than we are now. Yeah he bounces jobs when it gets sticky, google it.

By: WSB Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:18:10 +0000 In reply to AmandaKH.

Wow, that’s three West Seattle meetings in a row. Thanks for the update, AKH.

By: M Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:05:36 +0000 Robert,

That overpass doesn’t connect anywhere else where commuters might go. If you wanted to use it to avoid the Chelan/Marginal intersection, you’d have to find a way to cross what are still live railroad tracks to get back under the WSB.

By: AmandaKH Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:51:36 +0000 And! Director Kubly will be joining the West Seattle Transportation Coalition (your dedicated team of volunteer neighbors helping solve WS transporation issues) on September 9th! 6:30 pm at the High Point Neighborhood House.

By: vincent Fri, 05 Sep 2014 21:29:30 +0000 @swrez I695 was defeated in court as unconstitutional, the democratically controlled state legislature, with now mayor Ed Murray, voted in legislation to replace it

@wetone There is a huge park and ride under the bridge between Avalon and Chelan its almost never full.

By: Cheif Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:23:41 +0000 The fact is that anyone who thinks that we’re going to get to keep living the 20th century Midwest fantasy of everybody drives a car everywhere they go isn’t living in reality. It’s unsustainable financially, monetarily, logistically. Quit living in the past and quit being part of the problem.

By: Diane Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:08:23 +0000 wetone, Play Streets was a separate presentation by Jennifer Wieland prior to SDOT Director Kubly’s arrival

By: WSB Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:21:25 +0000 In reply to wetone.

Wetone, come to the Delridge District Council meeting Sept. 17th and ask him yourself, in case nobody else does! Also, our story does not reflect every single question asked of him – I write the highlights, generally not a full transcription.

By: wetone Fri, 05 Sep 2014 18:15:44 +0000 What I see here is talk about Bicycles, Play Streets ? what does Play Streets have to do with Seattle transportation issues except cost tax payers for people involved with the program ? Buses which are very important, we need a very large park and ride set-up here. Finally Seattle Parks department people driving down the walking/ bike path along Alki, see that almost daily, can’t figure that one out as they have many parking areas on street and why is it at the busiest times ? But where’s the questions about moving motor vehicles in and out and around W/S ? Not one bit of info or any questions asked on moving/improving motor vehicle traffic in/out around W/S. With increased ferry traffic, 5k plus of new people moving into the W/S area from the building boom and anyone that thinks the majority of them won’t own a motor vehicle isn’t living in reality, where are those cars going to park ? adjacent family neighborhoods and around the junction area making it harder for people to get there and spend money. How about commercial vehicle traffic for supplying new shops/retailers, and the biggest problem of all for this area is I-5. If I-5 doesn’t move we don’t either. The new 99 tunnel if ever built will be of no help as it will only be 2 lanes each way, less capacity than today and past. Surprised no one asked Kubly about the recent Spokane St viaduct rebuild with it’s constant ongoing patch work being done by SDOT ? who’s paying for that…..

By: Robert Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:32:39 +0000 Now that T-5 is pretty much dormant, I wonder if that overhead roadway that connects T5 to the low bridge could somehow be leveraged by regular commuters?
