Comments on: Followup: New owners of eviction-fight house say they’re taking the city to court West Seattle news, 24/7 Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:19:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gatewood Neighbor Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:19:42 +0000 Here is a story about a ruling in February of this year in Washington State where the judge ruled a foreclosure unconstitutional and voided the foreclosure sale. Kind of makes sense why the Bartons might want to stay in their home until their case is heard in court:

“Judge George N. Bowden of the Superior Court in Washington State ruled against Bank of America (BoA) in a foreclosure battle that ended with the “nonjudicial foreclosure sale under the Deed of Trust Act (DTA) [deemed] void” and the court setting the foreclosure aside.

In this case defended by StafneTrumbull law firm in Washington State, the homeowner won his house from BoA which is another big win against the company who has been caught doing these type of practices against millions of Americans.”

Here is the link to the full story as well as a video interview with the attorney who won the case.

By: miws Sat, 02 Aug 2014 23:50:58 +0000

Of all the preposterous assumptions of humanity over humanity, nothing exceeds most of the criticisms made on the habits of the poor by the well-housed, well-warmed, and well-fed.

-Herman Melville, novelist and poet (1819-1891)



By: Gatewood Neighbor Sat, 02 Aug 2014 17:58:30 +0000 SIttingbird – great idea. Anyone out there with experience in setting up community funds like this that would like to help? I will if no one else steps in. There may on the surface of it look like there are excess funds from the sale of their house, but between the second (which they are still legally liable for) and other things there is a good chance when all is said and done that there won’t be anything for them in the end.

By: sittingbird Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:45:04 +0000 I think we should pool our money together and help pay their bills. We are a community and we must help one another in trying times.

By: Gatewood Neighbor Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:24:27 +0000 33 Pete, Singularname and Thomas M – thank you for your comments. The property ownership is in dispute, and I think that the Bartons should be allowed to stay there until it is played out in the courts. 33Pete your are right: there is no law to this effect in Washington State. I think there should be, and I think this case points out the need for it.

Many things went into the unfortunate economic fiasco of 2008 that is plaguing our economy still to this day. One that has not been discussed is the currency by which many of the mortgage securities were backed. When the notes started to became due, the banks found that the value of the currency had doubled as compared to the dollar, costing them twice as much to redeem. This is one of the first of many things and a key one responsible for the economic implosion/collapse. Many homeowners were left in the wake to deal with payments that they had originally been able to handle, only to have them balloon up to unaffordable payments. They had been promised that they could refinance out of them, only to find that they could not.

Shakespeare once wrote “the quality of mercy is not strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven to the place below…and earthly power doth then show likest God’s when mercy seasons justice.” Jesus said one of the two great commandments is this: “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” And when asked, “who is my neighbor” He related the story of the good Samaritan. Jesus asked, “Who do you think was his neighbor?” The answer, “he who showed mercy”. Jesus said “go and do likewise.” This is what I strive to do. The Bartons are my neighbor; I do not understand the need to toss them out until their case plays out in court. In the meantime, I shall show mercy and compassion. I think it is what many of us would wish if we were in their situation.

By: to Gatewood Neighbor Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:54:07 +0000 Gatewood Neighbor, your concern for the Bartons is admirable, but you seem to have missed an important part of the discussion. You referred to the rights of property owners, but as others have repeatedly and respectfully pointed out, the Bartons don’t own the property anymore. And there is no possible scenario under the law that can change that. The property belongs lawfully to Triangle and that won’t change regardless of the outcome of their lawsuit.

People may have different opinions regarding what caused this situation, but we can all agree that this is a very unfortunate situation. The important thing now is not to give false hope or advocate fixes outside of the law. The sooner the Bartons start looking at actual possible outcomes, the sooner they can move forward with their lives.

By: WSB Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:42:10 +0000 In reply to Thomas M..

Since this is a long discussion, it’s time for a few reminders.
Most importantly – if you really care about this, be at the meeting on Monday. 6 pm, Greenbridge YMCA, 9720 8th Avenue SW. Lightly attended meetings – and while it was a small room and a few people were standing, I would still characterize ~20 people last night as a lightly attended meeting – tell the city nobody cares either way. You don’t have to say a single word. Just show up. (You can leave written comments in person, even.)
#2, WSB is a site for civil discussion. No namecalling. And that doesn’t just mean profane/obscene names – that means insults and other forms of rudeness. You can argue, discuss, disagree, as long as it’s civil. Those are the house rules. Lots of other places online that are free-for-alls. Not here. Never has been, never will be. Thanks! – Tracy

By: Thomas M. Sat, 02 Aug 2014 01:19:56 +0000 33Pete: Bingo.

By: singularname Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:32:34 +0000 And I can’t help but add: Coffee-not-made-at-home was probably number 3 of the expenses I cut when I went freelance.

By: singularname Fri, 01 Aug 2014 23:29:55 +0000 Gatewood Neighbor … I am well versed in real estate ownership, the economy and, most importantly, personal accountability. You see, I understand basic math and that no one owes me anything because I whine or scream or throw in the towel. It’s not that I am having a hard economic time–somewhat to the contrary as I develop my own lot. I was just curious if you walk your talk–apparently not. The crisis is as much about a greedy population as it is about a greedy industry. It’s the same greed that’ll have the entire 99% living in tents indefinitely, and that won’t come with pizza delivery and plug-in options.

By: 33Pete Fri, 01 Aug 2014 22:56:51 +0000 “All the Bartons want is to stay in their house until their court case is heard.”

Actually, they have no basis for continuing possession of their house in connection with their court case – it is purely a matter of seeking economic damages (and regardless, despite the lack of legal merit, they could file for an injunction, which they have not done).

“[T]his really seems like a basic property owner’s right.”

Actually, retained possesion under the circumstance is not even in the realm of available remedies – so no, its not only not a right, its contrary to established law.

“Even if you ignore that the Bartons had an aging parent with Alzheimer’s to care for during the time period when they refinanced (not inexpensive at all), the Bartons did what many people did during that time and which made economic sense at that time.”

Oh, you mean borrowing money and not repaying it, and then trying to keep the money and the collateral. Nope – I don’t think so. Nice try play the Alzheimer’s card though.

“Remember, it was the banks that caused the economic crash of 2008 which caused the Bartons business to tank and the Bartons not to be able to keep up with their payments”

Oh, did you forget the irresponsible borrowers in the equation. Perhaps you are unaware that there would have been no economic crash but for the borrowers defaulting on their debts, and that those bad debts were largely a product of well intentioned politicians who wanted to open up the housing boom to all – even those who could not affort it unless the boom continued (which as we know, it did not). Please spare me the “its all the banks’ fault” line – it was the borrowers’ fault too.

“it was the banks that received a taxpayer bailout; and it was the banks that were supposed to offer loan workouts as a condition of that bailout[.]”

First accurate thing you’ve said.

“let’s make the banks do what they legally and fiscally are supposed to do for struggling homeowners, or hold the banks accountable.”

And lets make the borrowers like the Bartons do what they are leagally and fiscally required to do under their contracts.

Look – I’m no cheerleader for the banking industry. But come on, are you unable to see this for what it is – an ill conceived and misguided attempt at garnering sympathy with half truths. Honestly, you come across as thinking you are independent and progressive minded, when all it sounds like from the rhetoric is the “bahhhh bahhh” of sheep who listen to too much talk radio without critical analysis.

By: Gatewood Neighbor Fri, 01 Aug 2014 21:27:28 +0000 Singularname – there is an apparent lack of information on your part on the housing/economic crisis of 2008 caused by the banks, the effects of which many people such as the Bartons are experiencing to this day. The banks were bailed out with our tax dollars; as a requirement of their bailout the banks are supposed to do loan workouts with struggling homeowners suffering from the effects of the bank-caused economic/housing crisis. Housing is the single most important part of our nation’s economic growth; the bank-induced housing crisis continues to drag down our economy and stymie economic growth to this day. Modifying loans makes fiscal sense; in fact, the NPV model for loan workouts used by most banks today was created by Sheila Bair, a Republican and head of the FDIC, who single handedly was able to keep Indy Bank from going under, helped stabilize our economic system and helped avoid 1930s era runs on banks – all of which would have caused even worse repercussions on our economy. Moreover, keeping people in their homes helps reduce the economic burden on taxpayers. I am sorry you seem to be having such hard economic times; perhaps you should contact your bank about a loan workout. Loan workouts are required by the terms of their bailout, but unfortunately many banks sidestep their responsibility or drag out the process for so long (two years is not at all uncommon) that homeowners either give up, or are foreclosed upon even when they are in negotiations for a loan workout – another violation of the terms of the bank bailout. That was the point of my post – let’s make the banks do what they legally and fiscally are supposed to do for struggling homeowners, or hold the banks accountable.

By: singularname Fri, 01 Aug 2014 17:37:13 +0000 Gatewood Neighbor … Your address please? I feel like “borrowing” these days. And I’ll be bringing my mom, cuz she’s slippin’, ya know? And I do have a disability that could qualify me for assistance–ya know, if you want me to stop working so I look a bit more pathetic I will. And the bank is charging me this outrageous interest–sounds like you’d be cool with me keeping my equity when I sell, right? Hope that I’m originally from Louisiana is okay with you–all my family’s houses got knocked down by that nasty storm a few years back. … You can leave the key under the mat. Thanks!

By: Gatewood Neighbor Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:32:51 +0000 All the Bartons have asked for is to stay in their home until their courts case for illegal foreclosure plays out; is this really too much to ask? Triangle Property isn’t hurting over this; they are an Idaho based company that apparently deals primarily in foreclosed properties and have multiple foreclosed properties in their portfolio both here and in Idaho; waiting for the Bartons day in court is not going to break their business. I don’t understand why Triangle Property thinks it is so important to talk about how the Bartons refinanced their house; what does that have to do with the Bartons case or the situation? All the Bartons want is to stay in their house until their court case is heard; this really seems like a basic property owner’s right. Even if you ignore that the Bartons had an aging parent with Alzheimer’s to care for during the time period when they refinanced (not inexpensive at all), the Bartons did what many people did during that time and which made economic sense at that time. Remember, it was the banks that caused the economic crash of 2008 which caused the Bartons business to tank and the Bartons not to be able to keep up with their payments; it was the banks that received a taxpayer bailout; and it was the banks that were supposed to offer loan workouts as a condition of that bailout to struggling homeowners hurt by the bank-induced recession – people like the Bartons. Chase Bank has one of the worst track records for loan workouts; why they couldn’t figure out a way to keep a disabled vet in his home is beyond me. And how it is going to help the public by throwing the Bartons out of their home at this juncture?

By: sittingbird Fri, 01 Aug 2014 06:30:34 +0000 Its going to be fun watching the police comeback for the second time around..
