Comments on: Do you recognize this dog? Just caught after apparently wandering Lincoln Park for days West Seattle news, 24/7 Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:19:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: WSB Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:19:28 +0000 In reply to mehud.

He sent it to us, not much I can do with it in midst of Summer Fest but will be sharing to the WSB Facebook page for starters.

By: mehud Sat, 12 Jul 2014 15:07:15 +0000 Jim posted this update on the lost pets page. It looks like “Faun” is adoptable (in a few weeks) and in need of a foster home.

By: au Fri, 11 Jul 2014 16:28:20 +0000 Statistics from Seattle Animal Shelter from 2012 (most current)
Intake of dogs 1213
Total euthanasia 136
shelter animal kills =136. So out of 1213 stray dogs taken in 136 were put to death.
Ripper are you here just to argue?
I was merely letting you know that in Seattle the animal shelter puts much effort and resources into NOT killing animals. Read about the shelter instead of thinking your assumptions are facts.

By: ML Fri, 11 Jul 2014 14:18:07 +0000 ripper, what makes you believe this dog isn’t adoptable? The local animal shelters have a large foster program and a relatively low kill rate. Not to mention, the publicity this dog has received on this site increases the liklihood that this dog will be placed in a foster environment and/or adopted out. In addition, the dog was captured by Useless Bay Sanctuary, a dog rescue organization. Organizations like this typcially have a large network of animal rescues and foster resources. M.L

By: Michele Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:48:32 +0000 PW – do you think it isn’t a reality?

This is a big reason why many animal welfare orgs recommend that puppies for sale, lost dogs etc aren’t posted to Craigslist.

By: leigh Fri, 11 Jul 2014 00:40:19 +0000 I tried to help her too and with no luck. I felt terrible for her, she was so scared.

By: ripper Thu, 10 Jul 2014 23:38:17 +0000 AU: Wrong. That pertains to “adoptable” animals. This dog probably won’t get that status and will be killed. Even Seattle shelters have a high kill rate for animals they deem unadoptable. We can post all the feel good stuff we want on blogs, but reality is far starker.

By: Kris Thu, 10 Jul 2014 23:22:50 +0000 I saw this dog on Marshall Ave SW in the Seaview neighborhood headed towards LP on either July 5th or 6th. Glad to see there’s an effort to find the owner.

By: WSB Thu, 10 Jul 2014 21:36:40 +0000 In reply to WSB.

Addendum – I have sent the heeler’s owner a note. She also noted that the heeler had a chip – Jim had said he didn’t find one at first but was going to look again. I can’t try to contact him right now (maybe he will come back and look here) as I have just a few minutes to finish the next (unrelated) story before rushing off to an appointment. Thanks again to all …

By: WSB Thu, 10 Jul 2014 21:12:38 +0000 In reply to datamuse.

DM – we have that dog listed, but without a photo –
I will look up the e-mail address and ask them to take a look at this dog’s picture. Certainly the mix of colors is similar.

By: Yay!!! Thu, 10 Jul 2014 21:09:20 +0000 Please keep us posted on her status.]]> I saw this dog twice in LP and tried to catch her but there was absolutely no way she would let us even get close! Good job Jim & WSB for rescuing her. I hated to see how afraid she looked as she was running thru the park with her tale between her legs. 😢 Please keep us posted on her status.

By: datamuse Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:53:12 +0000 Someone posted a lost dog from White Center on Craigslist that looks very similar:

I’m on my phone and can’t really follow up at the moment but it looks like it could be the same dog.

By: au Thu, 10 Jul 2014 20:33:24 +0000 Ripper you will be glad to know about the Seattle Animal Shelter. One of its functions is to ‘Care for the city’s lost and unwanted animals’
The dog will be tended to and cared for until it is either reunited with its owner or adopted out.

By: PW Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:52:59 +0000 Michelle – citation please

By: ripper Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:52:36 +0000 That’s great that they found the dog but in all likelihood this dog will be put down. That’s the sad reality of what happens to adult dogs like this. Sad, but true.
