Hearing tomorrow for microhousing-rules-related challenge – parts of which have been dismissed

(3266 Avalon Way microhousing project, photographed today)
Neighborhood activists face off against the city Department of Planning and Development tomorrow before the city Hearing Examiner, in their challenge of a ruling related to the proposed city rules about “microhousing.”

As reported here two months ago, the challenge is to the department’s “determination of non-significance” – a ruling that the proposed rules do not need a separate environmental-impact review. More than 50 documents are already in the case’s online file; among them is deputy Hearing Examiner Ann Watanabe‘s dismissal of parts of the appeal. The challenge is led by an advocate from elsewhere in the city, but as noted in November, the 10 groups supporting the appeal include two West Seattle groups, Morgan Community Association and SeattleNERD (Neighbors Encouraging Reasonable Development). The hearing examiner usually issues a ruling within two weeks of a hearing.

The city mentions the appeal in a DPD-website update about the microhousing rules, published last Thursday, saying, “This process must be complete before we can begin discussing the new rules for micro-housing with City Council. But as soon as it is completed, we will work with the Council to begin briefings.” The DPD update projects the rules could be adopted by March. They would not affect projects already on the drawing board or under construction, which in West Seattle number at least three, 3266 Avalon Way SW (under construction), 5949 California SW (for which permits are issued but construction has not yet begun), and 3050 Avalon Way (proposed but no recent activity), in addition to built-and-now-leasing Footprint Delridge.

Tomorrow’s hearing, open to the public, is scheduled to start at 9 am on the 40th floor of the city Municipal Tower downtown.

9 Replies to "Hearing tomorrow for microhousing-rules-related challenge - parts of which have been dismissed"

  • Gatewooder January 6, 2014 (4:55 pm)

    My guess is that this case will get mostly dismissed for the simple fact that our elected leaders did vote for the changes to the city code that allowed for micro-housing, no parking requirements, hidden density bonuses, tax breaks for developers, etc. Ultimately they are the ones responsible for the mess they created, and we are responsible in that we voted them into office. Seattle did vote the former mayor out of office in November, and for a new district system that will hopefully make city council more directly accountable for its actions. The entire council is up for vote in 2015, next year.

  • WestofJunction January 6, 2014 (6:39 pm)

    Sickening! I have nothing against development as long as it is well designed and adds to, not detracts from, the neighborhood.

  • Diane January 7, 2014 (12:11 am)

    do you know who is the owner/developer of 3266 Avalon Way microhousing project?

  • Diane January 7, 2014 (12:12 am)

    and that’s a 7 story apodment tower with no elevator?

    • WSB January 7, 2014 (12:35 am)

      This is microhousing, yes. Don’t know about the elevator. Can’t find where it might be on the plans. Ownership-wise, this now carries, along with the original listed owner (Paul Labellarte of Columbia Builders), the name of Jim Potter, the Footprint guy. It’s not mentioned on the Footprint site, but neither is the future 5949 California SW micro project, either – that would seem to be a very consumer-facing site, anyway. With an intentionally crafted brand: http://www.girvin.com/portfolio/identity/footprint/footprint.php

  • WestofJunction January 7, 2014 (6:11 am)

    If it doesn’t have an elevator, isn’t that a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act, among others?

  • Diane January 7, 2014 (2:42 pm)

    yep, discriminates against seniors/disabled; these are all marketed to able-bodied young people

  • WestofJunction January 7, 2014 (5:18 pm)

    Diane, that is illegal.

  • Diane January 8, 2014 (3:27 pm)

    well somehow DPD, City Council, City of Seattle has allowed this to happen; write letters, please

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