Cleanup planned for tagger-vandalized trees at Me-Kwa-Mooks

That’s one of several photos that Jason e-mailed to us this morning – showing tagged trees, as well as a trash-surrounded picnic table, at Me-Kwa-Mooks Park on Beach Drive. (We’ve blurred the trees so as not to clearly show the tags, which were done in white paint.) By the time we got there for a firsthand look at noontime, the picnic table had been cleaned up, but the vandalism on the trees remained. Seattle Parks spokesperson Joelle Hammerstad tells us that Parks’ graffiti team plans to go to the park tomorrow morning and see what can be done about it: If the bark is thick – like on a fir tree – we can spray it with a combination of water and sand. That assumes that we can get a truck close enough to spray it – because our graffiti trucks have water tanks and spray equipment on them.” For deciduous trees, which appear to be what’s involved here, Hammerstad says it’s a little dicier, but they’ll give it a try.

22 Replies to "Cleanup planned for tagger-vandalized trees at Me-Kwa-Mooks"

  • thistle stairs April 1, 2013 (6:10 pm)

    Are they claiming the trees? Try that around a timber sale and you will be looking at domestic terrorism charges.How did little johnny saggy pants get up there to do the tagging in the first place? I didn’t think they were able to leave the pavement.

  • Robert April 1, 2013 (6:19 pm)

    Tagging trees is right up there with the most idiotic actions ever taken. It isn’t art, it isn’t a “rite of passage;” it is instead mindless destruction.

  • anti-obstruction April 1, 2013 (6:48 pm)

    Catch the fools who did this, who deface so much other private and public property, and throw the book at them…YEARS of cleaning up the messes they and their imbecile “friends” leave in their wake should be mandatory.
    These little pukes are disgusting, and it would be great if they’d slip and break some bones while they scamper about the trees and overpasses doing their damage.

  • Cclarue April 1, 2013 (7:10 pm)


  • Jiggers April 1, 2013 (7:57 pm)

    Only if trees could talk.

  • herongrrrl April 1, 2013 (8:08 pm)

    I hope they clean up the tags on the seawall across the street, too. Lots of fresh ones recently.

    I would LOVE to see these folks get busted. I could hear them last night, but they all took off right at 10pm just as I was going to call the cops…I had no idea they were leaving such a gigantic mess behind until I passed the park this morning. This is not the first time that has happened, and it’s the same table and same degree of mess each time, so I’m guessing it’s the same people…I will call as soon as I hear the party starting, next time.

  • cjboffoli April 1, 2013 (8:15 pm)

    Gosh, if we only had cameras set up along the shoreline….

  • LongTimer WS April 1, 2013 (9:03 pm)

    What is the fine or penalty for defacing public property?

  • smokeycretin9 April 1, 2013 (9:18 pm)

    cjboffoli – truer words have never been spoken.

  • C. April 1, 2013 (9:28 pm)

    I am so sick of the graffiti. It’s all over Seattle. It’s the worst I have ever seen here.

  • ttt April 1, 2013 (10:32 pm)

    I agree with C. The graffiti has gotten out of control this past couple of years…When it is just a big ugly name tag especially. I’d LOVE to CATCH one of these creeps.

  • ltfd April 1, 2013 (10:43 pm)

    This is where review of surveillance camera footage would help identify the P.O.S., urban clientele, gang-bangers that polluted the park with their graffiti screed.

  • Strike em out Kinney April 2, 2013 (1:28 am)

    Everytime I see private and public property around our beautiful city defaced with stupid nonsensical “hieroglyphics” tagging, my blood boils and blood pressure shoots up ten fold. This is a problem that needs to be taken seriously. Get these punks off the street and into jail where they will only be released to clean up that junk all over the city.

  • Wild One April 2, 2013 (3:21 am)

    Gerr-darn kids and their lack of proper guidance and self discipline!!
    I wonder what the tags look like. Do they at least have some form of artistic touch and/or style? Well they better!!
    I mean Come On this is America!!!!

  • Camera Man April 2, 2013 (7:40 am)

    Turn the dang cameras on already.

  • schwaggy April 2, 2013 (8:06 am)

    Taggers are the scum of urban living. It’d be nice to catch some of them in action one time. Maybe spray paint their silly little gang sign over their eyeballs. Lower than animals, pissing their little markers for every other banger to see.

  • citizen April 2, 2013 (12:12 pm)

    When I see camera shots of robbers, suspicious people, they are always wearing a hoodie and/or hat/sun glasses or other head covering and looking down. I never get a good sense of being able to see any detail. So what will the cameras give us except a false sense of security? Do you think that the Police might think, minor vandalism, low priority, let the cameras get it and then not show up for any of these occurrences? Unless the Police start adding facial recognition or body recognition capability to their spyware you are not going to get more. Then take the court system. They have limited resources too. How do you think these cases are going to be handled? A misdemenor plea or lack of proof then out on the street again? I’ve had a burglary before the economic downturn, but got the feeling that the police were just too busy to give my minor problems any of their time. Maybe you could do your own stakeout as we seem to have to deal with more and more problems with our own initiative. (Tongue-in-cheek)

    Is there something better that we as citizens could do to prevent crime while not treating people as potential criminals before convictions? A long discourse and possibly many different ways to work on but we should start. City council?

  • kenyon April 2, 2013 (2:13 pm)

    Tags are gone – thank you Parks Department!

  • anettey April 2, 2013 (6:10 pm)

    no cameras! mindless tagging disgusts me too but security cameras are not the answer. do you not think it would be easy to be framed with these cameras? community activists are often enemies of corporations and the powers that be. cameras would just give the ‘establishment’ one more tool to use against ourselves.
    and the answer to mindless tagging? mindfulness, of course. true. what’s happening in our society, today, is a symptom of something much larger and deeper than property defacement. hopefully we can come together as a people and figure this thing out.
    And in the mean time, no cameras! Bad idea.

  • robert April 2, 2013 (8:43 pm)

    the trouble is the lawyers have taken over , these pukes are the bread and butter of these bottom-feeders.if you catch one and rough them up you are going to jail while they get a kiss on the cheek and sent home..

  • anonyme April 3, 2013 (3:23 pm)

    This morning I noticed that most of the huge sycamores in Roxhill Park have been tagged. That place has become an open air drug market and scumbag magnet. Would not be surprised if one WS gang or another “owns” it now.

    • WSB April 3, 2013 (3:25 pm)

      Anonyme, did you report it to Parks and Rec? My inquiry the other day about Me-Kwa-Mooks was apparently first they’d heard and led to the dispatch of the graffiti crew, even though I wasn’t calling to report it, was just calling as an inquiring reporter. Maybe they can get over to Roxhill to clean up the trees too. – TR

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