West Seattle egg hunts: Indoor and outdoor

“Egg hunt on aisle 7” – you can almost imagine the overhead announcement. That’s just one of the scenes from inside West Seattle Thriftway, where the traditional crowd waited excitedly outside just before the 9 am egg hunt:

High stakes there – prizes in this egg hunt included a Wii and Mariners’ tickets! And if that wasn’t fun enough – an Easter Bunny sighting (our video camera followed his/her entourage):

(Added later: Thriftway now has its photos up online at westseattlethriftway.com – if your family’s in one of the photos, you can e-mail info@westseattlethriftway.com to request a copy!) Then at 10 am, community centers all over West Seattle had egg hunts too – by then the rain had stopped and the sun was even trying to come out. On the field at High Point Community Center, we spotted the REAL Easter Bunny – this gentleman who was out scattering the eggs and treats:

That section of the field was stormed shortly thereafter by the oldest kids:

Check out our video from just after they got the “go” signal:

Younger groups had their own egg hunts, one on the tennis court, one in the playfield corner at 34th/Myrtle:

If you missed today’s egg hunts, note that a few West Seattle churches are planning their own, right after Easter services tomorrow morning; see our West Seattle Easter services list for the locations.

7 Replies to "West Seattle egg hunts: Indoor and outdoor"

  • thriftwaygirl April 11, 2009 (11:36 am)

    We had so much fun! It is such a joy to put this on every year for our community.

    There is truly nothing like seeing parents who used to attend this hunt when they were kids bring their kids to our hunt!!

    Thank you all for coming!

  • miws April 11, 2009 (11:37 am)

    Just before 9:00, I noticed alot of people walking northbound across the street. I though it was very unusual, for a not so nice weatherwise morning, and even if the weather was great, it still would have been an unsual number.


    This was pre-coffee, so the ever foggy brain was running at it’s foggiest. ;) It eventually dawned on me that it there were alot of kids and families out.


    Finally, I started noticing the baskets, and then it hit me, that it was Thriftway’s Easter Egg Hunt! :)



  • cmc April 11, 2009 (12:35 pm)

    Thank you Thriftway for such a wonderful community event! It’s so nicely organized, and our family is always amazed by the generosity of Thriftway! All kinds of fun prizes and treats for kids and adults alike!

  • add April 11, 2009 (12:41 pm)

    I love the Thriftway for doing this every year – they are a class act. But I’m glad my youngest finally aged out of it, I have to admit. It’s gotten really crowded and some of the adults there … well let’s just say it’s off-putting to see parents of a one-year old grabbing eggs by the handful and stuffing their bags full, well past the “minimum” number of eggs Thriftway suggests.

  • carrieann April 11, 2009 (1:30 pm)

    I took my 2 and 5 year olds and we had a great time, even with standing in the rain for a bit beforehand. Although I do have to agree with add’s comment. It’s always a bit upsetting to see parents and older teens without kids anywhere near them being grabby and cracking open eggs and carelessly tossing aside those (allowing the candy and trinkets to fall on the floor) without the coveted prize tickets. What an example to set for the little ones. Sheesh.

  • WSB April 11, 2009 (2:09 pm)

    Thriftway has put up its photos (I will add this to the main report too) and if you see one of your family and would like a copy, e-mail:

  • Findlay April 11, 2009 (6:18 pm)

    Services (9, 11:15, and 5) at Mars Hill West Seattle (7551 35th Ave SW) will be great with the positive message of Jesus’ resurrection, a bunch of baptisms, and a incredibly, funky worship called The Brothers Of The Empty Tomb (BET). Check out (on a very bad camera phone) BET’s dress rehearsals held today: http://twurl.nl/ns26b5

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