“Micropermitting” site now has a name


The teardowns-to-townhouses complex going up in the 3400 block of California now has a name: Madison Heights, per the new sign shown above (which promises “luxury living”). This is what used to be there:


It’s one of the sites discussed in this “micropermitting” post that got citywide attention. P.S. Slightly north of this site, in case you were wondering, no decision yet in the Hinds-to-Hanford “upzoning” proposal.

4 Replies to ""Micropermitting" site now has a name"

  • JenV March 27, 2008 (12:12 pm)

    bummer, this. i had a friend who lived in one of the duplexes- they were really nice units.
    progress marches on…

  • kevinakjunction March 27, 2008 (1:12 pm)

    with all of the micro permitting that seems to be going on and the large scale developments it makes me wonder if planners are really looking at the infrastructure needs of WS. I am really worried about the future of commuting off WS. Rapid Ride might do some good but mass transit isn’t the only solution. Rapid mass transit is really needed here!

  • Todd March 27, 2008 (3:27 pm)

    I’m concerned too, been concerned since 2005. Seems like if it’s zoned for it then that’s all that matters in WS. Nice to see others have been chiming in the last 6 months or so with similar concerns.

  • hiss March 27, 2008 (4:34 pm)

    Thank god we’ll have more luxury townhouses. When recessions hit and rents go up, there’s never enough unaffordable townhomes for people.

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